Dogshare Roundup - 10 of the best dog videos on the net

We love a good dog clip here at Dogshare and we've rounded up ten of the best. Hopefully there is something new in here for even the most devoted dog-loving-fan!

1. Walter the Lab runs to the beach with a go-pro strapped to him:

2. This little guy refuses to walk in until someone opens the door - bless him

3. Rocky the french bulldog jumping

4. Spider-dog costume scares the be-jebus out of everyone

5. Wheelchair dogs playing fetch

6. This boxer is tired of waiting for his person so starts beeping the car horn, as you do....

7. Golden Retriever fails obedience class

8. Munchkin the shih tzu dresses up as a teddy bear

9. Dog eyes off his owners watermelon

10. And last but not least, our very own Dogshare vid which stars our awesome Melbourne dog-sharers! (we are biased of course)

Which is your favourite? Do you have any to add? We would love to hear from you, send us your favourite dog videos to hello@dogshare.com.au