Piney Lakes Reserve - Winthrop

Piney Lakes Reserve, Winthrop, Western Australia, Australia


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About Piney Lakes Reserve - Winthrop

Piney Lakes Reserve is 50 hectares of regenerated bushland surrounded by the suburb of Winthrop. It is bordered by 18 hectares of grasslands and contains two natural wetlands that form the northern end of the Beeliar Wetlands Chain. The Parklands (Grassed Areas) To the southern end of the Reserve are developed parklands (bordered to the east by Murdoch Drive).  Piney Lakes Reserve parklands contain two artificial lakes which are essential to the survival of native Long-necked Turtles and many native species of frogs. As the natural wetlands within the bushland have become significantly reduced over time with the change in climate, these additional water bodies have proven imperative for the survival of many animals. The parklands are excellent for exercising your dog, but please bear in mind the restrictions that are placed in certain areas.  When entering the bushland areas, dogs must be on a lead at all times and are only permitted on sealed paths.  One reason for this is the threat to native animals within the Reserve, such as Southern Brown Bandicoots (or Quenda: Isoodon fusciventer).  Quenda’s are known to drop joey’s from their pouch if sensing danger (such as the scent of a roaming canine) and will not return to fetch their offspring. Visitors should be aware that dogs are prohibited from the bushland in the Piney Lakes Reserve. You may however walk through the bushland on the bitumen paths but your dog must be on a lead. There are large areas available to walk your dog within the reserve and a significant section of the parkland to exercise dogs off lead (see map to the right of page). Dogs are prohibited in the natural lake, wetland and bushland areas (red) but can still use the grassed areas (green) for off lead exercise as usual.  Dogs must be on the lead at all times (yellow) around the Sensory Playground and when accessing the reserve on bitumen paths from the Leach Highway and Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre. Please ensure that dogs do not enter any lakes, natural or artificial, in the Piney Lakes Reserve as they can cause considerable damage and disturb wildlife. Local Southern Brown Bandicoot (or Quenda) live in Piney Lakes and we are making strong efforts to rehabilitate the reserve for these shy creatures.  Off lead dog activities can frighten and even kill these animals.  Even the most friendly and placid dogs can have an affect on the native wildlife, simply by entering into the bushland. New signage and fencing has recently been installed and will help identify where dogs may and may not be exercised freely. Please help us to care for the native animals in Piney Lakes and the area can continue to be used safely and comfortably by all of the community.  For more information contact Infrastructure Services at the City of Melville on 9364 0666.